Our licensed, experienced Chiropractors work with patients of all ages. Treatments include relieving back pain, shoulder issues, neck pain, knee pain, headaches, injuries, neuropathy and more. Both of our doctors are Webster certified to help pregnancy aches and pains as well as assist in an easier delivery.
We offer a complimentary consultation with our doctors for our chiropractic services. We have two Webster certified doctors on staff. Dr. Ryan Porterfield specializes in knee, frozen shoulder, and neuropathy conditions. Dr. Erika Maroon specializes in treating infants and pediatric cases. She has helped babies struggling with latching, tongue tie, torticollis, colic and sleep issues. She believes in helping babies and children hit those necessary milestones so that they can be healthier adults. We also offer functional medicine and testing in order to target the specific cause of your issues to help your chiropractic adjustments do what they need to do in addition to helping you live a healthier lifestyle!